


これは2年に1度発表される国連の「World Urbanization Prospects」の都市人口率の定義変更によるものです。

『データブック2012』で使用していた「the 2009 Revision」の定義は,
「Definition: Densely inhabited districts (DID), defined as groups of contiguous basic unit blocks each of which has a population density of 4,000 inhabitants or more per square kilometre, or which has public, industrial, educational and recreational facilities. whose total population is 5,000 or more within a shi, ku, machi or mura.」

一方,『データブック2013』以降で使用している「the 2011 Revision」の定義は,

「Total of cities. The Definition of city Shi : In general, municipality which satisfy the following conditions (1)50,000 or more inhabitants (2)60 percent or more of the houses located in the main built-up areas (3)60 percent or more of the population(including their dependents)engaged in manufacturing, trade or other urban type of business. The definition of urban of previous revisions was based on DID(Densely Inhabited District).

各国の都市人口を算出するために都市圏をどう定義するかについては, 版が変わるたびに変更される場合がありますので,注意が必要です。

また,国によって都市人口率の定義が異なりますので,国同士の単純な比較はできません。 どうぞご了承ください。